Thursday, March 12, 2009

Running Against Time...Craft Room Update

Okay...I'm making this a bit on the wordless side, again. These are updated pics of the Craft Room I have been trying hard to get organized and ready for some serious crafting!
Take a to before pics of Last Week!



•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

Lookin good, Robin!
Boy, you have a lot of craft stuff!!
I would have a field day at your house! :)

Have a wonderful weekend,

Rooster Inn Primitives said...

Robin it's looking really good. I need a bigger room.

Don't work to hard. LOL

hugs pam

OldeAnniePrimitives said...

Keep working, girl! Want to start seeing some of those wonderful creations coming out of there! Great job!

Rooster Inn Primitives said...

HI My daughter lives in Martinsburg....I'm close to the Valley Mall and the Outlets. So we are neigbors....Have a beautiful Sunday

hugs pam

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

Holy smokes!! Look how organized you are! Boy, if you're ever in my neck of the woods, I could use your help! It looks fatastic! :> )