Hello Everyone!!! Yes, it is ME!!! It has been a whirlwind of time, and many many many many, did I say MANY... yep, MANY Life Changes!!!
For those that followed me, knew me, or just was an observant person, you may notice that I WAS living in WV....until about that last post in April, because the next day I was called about a job that I had applied for in January. Next thing I knew, I was packing furiously, sifting thru all the goodies one gathers over the years, renting a truck, grabbing some friends,(begging, to be honest!), and moving to North Carolina....and I haven't really regretted any of it!!!
So NOW I am here....and I HAVE repositioned my Nest, and even tho' my computer got a virus JUST as I was leaving WV, leaving me stepping and fetching for all my contacts, all my networking, all my "stuff" about NC, I have been doing great in finding some things!
I have to admit, this blogging, in the past, has proved challenging for me to keep up with. I keep a Handwritten Journal, that I am very loyal to, but when Life hands you changes, you gotta roll with them, and this is one of MANY things that I am revamping, reinventing, and just taking time to get those routines going again! I craved a routine....remember that??? And then WHAM!!! I moved!!!
Anywoo....I just wanted to let everyone know, I AM still out here.....Repositioning my nest!!!
Till Another Time!!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Friday, April 02, 2010
Spring is Here...Time to Carry On!!!
Yes!!! I have been missing for quite some time now, and there are many reasons for this, but for now, let's just say Life Happens!!!
I want to start getting back into a normal routine, and this is something I have been struggling with for years since certain incidents had happened with my health, and although it has been a long, long battle, I feel as if the time has come to finally restore the "old me" and do the things I really want to do, instead of undoing the messes I have created. Everyone gets in a rut, and I have been in one heck of a rut for too long. There is a nice light at the end of that tunnel, and slowly but surely, I am moving toward it!
With that said, Lots has happened, and again, I will not make you sit for days and days reading it, and if anyone knows me, then they already know what has gone on, and where I am at in that whole Repositioning My Nest phrase in my title. I have definitely repositioned it in places I never even thought possible!!!
Check out my other blog, Robin's Painted Nest, as I plan on updating that, too, to keep up to date in my crafting and ventures into old crafts that have also been on the back burner for quite some time....also will be posting to that as regular as possible!
Thanks for landing in my nest....Till Another Time!!!

I want to start getting back into a normal routine, and this is something I have been struggling with for years since certain incidents had happened with my health, and although it has been a long, long battle, I feel as if the time has come to finally restore the "old me" and do the things I really want to do, instead of undoing the messes I have created. Everyone gets in a rut, and I have been in one heck of a rut for too long. There is a nice light at the end of that tunnel, and slowly but surely, I am moving toward it!
With that said, Lots has happened, and again, I will not make you sit for days and days reading it, and if anyone knows me, then they already know what has gone on, and where I am at in that whole Repositioning My Nest phrase in my title. I have definitely repositioned it in places I never even thought possible!!!
Check out my other blog, Robin's Painted Nest, as I plan on updating that, too, to keep up to date in my crafting and ventures into old crafts that have also been on the back burner for quite some time....also will be posting to that as regular as possible!
Thanks for landing in my nest....Till Another Time!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
FaceBook, Fallacies, Friends & Free Time!
No more promises from me! Yep...I give up!
Fallacies....That means lies, I think, and if so, then I have been making lots of fallacies about my blogs, and that upsets me to a degree.
Honestly, I follow lots of blogs, and I just don't know how people do it, much less keep up.
I can only say that I will try and keep everyone's attention, while at the same time, maintaining a household, inside and out, updating myself with the new rules on Ebay and Etsy. Yep. Me. Reading till I can't stand to read anymore! I have been quite busy around here.
Almost everyday I have found myself saying that I need to update my Blog. Then I put it off, cuz I haven't done anything Fabulous, since going to North Carolina.
I haven't done ANYTHING in the crafting arena, other than a few grunged up projects, and I didn't know where my batteries were, and then the projects were already basecoated, so the Before pictures didn't happen, so what is the point of After pictures?
Then there was the Full Moon the one night, and I thought, Who the HECK would be interested in the Full Moon! Half the world doesn't even know we HAVE a MOON! Much less there are phases to said Moon! LOL!
So, I can only say, that my time has been spent on a LOT of different things, and there are NO pictures.
FaceBook....Geez, where do I begin with THAT?! Has anyone else gotten caught up in this site? I have...I went on ages ago, signed up, and never went back, till last week. WOW! Things moved so quick, I am still dizzy! Friends from NJ, Friends in the Craft World, and not to mention, friends of friends, and networks, and Family, and their friends...I've gained like 30 friends and family, and I haven't even accepted or invited all of them as of yet. Heck, I can't even remember all of them! But I still prefer personal contacts and that seems to get more and more rare, as the years roll on by!
Friends....Oh, how nice to reconnect! I must say that for FaceBook. I hate the thing, and I even have a MySpace somewhere, but can't remember under what names, passwords and so on. But I've done Classmates, and have even found people by Googling them, and FaceBook made it so much easier to say, Hey! Remember me??? And all of them do. Awwww....nice!
Free Time! I seem to have a lot of it at times, and can't seem to focus on my next three steps, or I have NONE and wish I could go back to that moment when I was stumbling over the focusing. Things have been hectic for me...I've said that before, but I am trying to get new routines in place, and not feel the frustration of being interrupted, or not being able to get to certain things, either by choice, or by another reason.
Well, I can say that I am changing all my outlooks at this point. I realized I am frustrated by trying to get my house together, and that I really want to be crafting, and the crafting was having to wait till I could get back into my chair. As I am writing this, I am working on my desktop behind me. Maybe by tomorrow, I can put two thoughts together and make something happen out of glue and toothpicks! LOL!
I've had great news tonight about family, and I am thrilled for now, and relieved beyond belief! I am hoping that in the next few days, I can jostle things around a make a long trip. But that will have to be planned.
Until then, I am focused.

Fallacies....That means lies, I think, and if so, then I have been making lots of fallacies about my blogs, and that upsets me to a degree.
Honestly, I follow lots of blogs, and I just don't know how people do it, much less keep up.
I can only say that I will try and keep everyone's attention, while at the same time, maintaining a household, inside and out, updating myself with the new rules on Ebay and Etsy. Yep. Me. Reading till I can't stand to read anymore! I have been quite busy around here.
Almost everyday I have found myself saying that I need to update my Blog. Then I put it off, cuz I haven't done anything Fabulous, since going to North Carolina.
I haven't done ANYTHING in the crafting arena, other than a few grunged up projects, and I didn't know where my batteries were, and then the projects were already basecoated, so the Before pictures didn't happen, so what is the point of After pictures?
Then there was the Full Moon the one night, and I thought, Who the HECK would be interested in the Full Moon! Half the world doesn't even know we HAVE a MOON! Much less there are phases to said Moon! LOL!
So, I can only say, that my time has been spent on a LOT of different things, and there are NO pictures.
FaceBook....Geez, where do I begin with THAT?! Has anyone else gotten caught up in this site? I have...I went on ages ago, signed up, and never went back, till last week. WOW! Things moved so quick, I am still dizzy! Friends from NJ, Friends in the Craft World, and not to mention, friends of friends, and networks, and Family, and their friends...I've gained like 30 friends and family, and I haven't even accepted or invited all of them as of yet. Heck, I can't even remember all of them! But I still prefer personal contacts and that seems to get more and more rare, as the years roll on by!
Friends....Oh, how nice to reconnect! I must say that for FaceBook. I hate the thing, and I even have a MySpace somewhere, but can't remember under what names, passwords and so on. But I've done Classmates, and have even found people by Googling them, and FaceBook made it so much easier to say, Hey! Remember me??? And all of them do. Awwww....nice!
Free Time! I seem to have a lot of it at times, and can't seem to focus on my next three steps, or I have NONE and wish I could go back to that moment when I was stumbling over the focusing. Things have been hectic for me...I've said that before, but I am trying to get new routines in place, and not feel the frustration of being interrupted, or not being able to get to certain things, either by choice, or by another reason.
Well, I can say that I am changing all my outlooks at this point. I realized I am frustrated by trying to get my house together, and that I really want to be crafting, and the crafting was having to wait till I could get back into my chair. As I am writing this, I am working on my desktop behind me. Maybe by tomorrow, I can put two thoughts together and make something happen out of glue and toothpicks! LOL!
I've had great news tonight about family, and I am thrilled for now, and relieved beyond belief! I am hoping that in the next few days, I can jostle things around a make a long trip. But that will have to be planned.
Until then, I am focused.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Don't Gasp! Yes, it is ME! I AM out here afterall!
Okay, I lied again! I keep saying I am going to be more devoted to this whole blogging thing, and I get caught up in all kinds of Life's Doings...so I will blame it all on Life. Not to say that the bloggers that are so regularly posting do NOT have a life, because I envy all of those bloggers that I read all the time. A-HA! That is it! I am too busy with Life & Reading Blogs! LOL!
Actually, we have had such a time of it here since the end of March with the MIL problems, and then our own Spring agendas, and we have just returned from North Carolina after visiting the "kids"...a trip that WAS to be taken in April...never happened till now! We soooooo needed to get away, and I am sooooo glad that we finally flew away! So much has happened that I doubt I can find enough words to tell it all, nor do I want to bore you all to tears!
I'll sum it up, once again, in a few letters.... L I F E!
Actually, I have been quite busy in between all the life stuff, with making & creating things to sell at Second Tyme Around. I have bunches more stuff sitting in a box, waiting for their final process, then off to the shop, for their next owner's.
We bought a new car....used car.....whatever! It was a LONG drawn out process with the financing. Don't ever try to buy a car on days that the makers are claiming bankruptcy. It doesn't do any good! I did it....not ONCE, but TWICE! When Chrysler was in Bankruptcy, I was applying for a loan, as well as GM's. One word.... N I G H T M A R E!!!
What have I got to show for all of that? This!!!

Whatcha Think?
This is a 2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser Limited Edition w/bells & whistles, buttons & knobbies for all kinds of things...I am not even sure if I know all of their functions yet, but I LOVE the car! With only 47,000 miles on it, this was a great deal, and by the time all was said and done, we got it for even less than we originally agreed to, as we did all the fingerwork on the phones to find the financing we wanted. No gripe to the dealership, as their hands were kinda tied.
Sooooo.....With the new car, we decided to head for North Carolina. We did so many things while there, such as going to the beach for a day, and we enjoyed THAT immensely! We wanted to go back! It has been YEARS since I have been Near or IN the Ocean...and this was wonderful!

Oh how we had so much fun! We did all kinds of things while in NC....so I will just post a bunch of pics here and let you see for yourself. Don't forget to click on pics to see them larger!
Here are some Ft. Fisher pics....starting out with our Beautiful DIL, Meghann....should have been a Model!!! Gorgeous Girl!

She married this NUT!!!! Oops, sorry....Our Son!

He may be our son, and a VERY Handsome one at that, but he IS nuts! Always makes us Laugh!
Also....both of them are VERY Photogenic!!! They make a beautiful couple....or am I biased??? Well, you can be the judge of that!

Anyhoo....there's the cutest "kids" in the world, and we REALLY enjoyed all our time with them!
Meghann & I spent a day dashing about, and we ended up at a place called the Scrap Exchange. This place could have anyone's imagination whirling & spinning in so many directions, that you feel as if you may have a blood vessel burst in your head! LOL! Really, there are tons of ideas from just normal scrapped stuff, and you have to check out that link to see what I mean! Great Place in Durham, NC!
We went to eat and also ended up going to The Rusty Bucket in Apex, NC....Great Primitive Store! If ONLY I had an endless bundle of money! I will need to go BACK there, no doubt! I loved seeing it in person, instead of a website!
There was Duke Gardens, Science Museum, & other great places like the Farmers Market that had the BESTEST Bacon I have tasted! We went for more on another day!

We also deprived Children of playtime, cuz the nearly 50ish "kids" had to play, too!

And it appears that Craig, my DH, was "hearted" ....he's also a Nut!!!!

And while we were out having fun, we felt sorry for the Diva Dog....totally deprived from Human Loving, but we made up for it when we were back at the apartments by ooofing and watching the going ons of other people and doggies out walking....how cute is this???
She was happy to get back home, tho....as we are! Tired, yet ready to plow thru several weeks of working and crafting! So that is it for now!
Glad you came to see me! Hope this makes up for all the lost time!

Actually, we have had such a time of it here since the end of March with the MIL problems, and then our own Spring agendas, and we have just returned from North Carolina after visiting the "kids"...a trip that WAS to be taken in April...never happened till now! We soooooo needed to get away, and I am sooooo glad that we finally flew away! So much has happened that I doubt I can find enough words to tell it all, nor do I want to bore you all to tears!
I'll sum it up, once again, in a few letters.... L I F E!
Actually, I have been quite busy in between all the life stuff, with making & creating things to sell at Second Tyme Around. I have bunches more stuff sitting in a box, waiting for their final process, then off to the shop, for their next owner's.
We bought a new car....used car.....whatever! It was a LONG drawn out process with the financing. Don't ever try to buy a car on days that the makers are claiming bankruptcy. It doesn't do any good! I did it....not ONCE, but TWICE! When Chrysler was in Bankruptcy, I was applying for a loan, as well as GM's. One word.... N I G H T M A R E!!!
What have I got to show for all of that? This!!!

Whatcha Think?
This is a 2003 Chrysler PT Cruiser Limited Edition w/bells & whistles, buttons & knobbies for all kinds of things...I am not even sure if I know all of their functions yet, but I LOVE the car! With only 47,000 miles on it, this was a great deal, and by the time all was said and done, we got it for even less than we originally agreed to, as we did all the fingerwork on the phones to find the financing we wanted. No gripe to the dealership, as their hands were kinda tied.
Sooooo.....With the new car, we decided to head for North Carolina. We did so many things while there, such as going to the beach for a day, and we enjoyed THAT immensely! We wanted to go back! It has been YEARS since I have been Near or IN the Ocean...and this was wonderful!

Oh how we had so much fun! We did all kinds of things while in NC....so I will just post a bunch of pics here and let you see for yourself. Don't forget to click on pics to see them larger!
Here are some Ft. Fisher pics....starting out with our Beautiful DIL, Meghann....should have been a Model!!! Gorgeous Girl!

She married this NUT!!!! Oops, sorry....Our Son!

He may be our son, and a VERY Handsome one at that, but he IS nuts! Always makes us Laugh!

Anyhoo....there's the cutest "kids" in the world, and we REALLY enjoyed all our time with them!
Meghann & I spent a day dashing about, and we ended up at a place called the Scrap Exchange. This place could have anyone's imagination whirling & spinning in so many directions, that you feel as if you may have a blood vessel burst in your head! LOL! Really, there are tons of ideas from just normal scrapped stuff, and you have to check out that link to see what I mean! Great Place in Durham, NC!

There was Duke Gardens, Science Museum, & other great places like the Farmers Market that had the BESTEST Bacon I have tasted! We went for more on another day!

We also deprived Children of playtime, cuz the nearly 50ish "kids" had to play, too!

And it appears that Craig, my DH, was "hearted" ....he's also a Nut!!!!

And while we were out having fun, we felt sorry for the Diva Dog....totally deprived from Human Loving, but we made up for it when we were back at the apartments by ooofing and watching the going ons of other people and doggies out walking....how cute is this???

Glad you came to see me! Hope this makes up for all the lost time!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Running Against Time...Craft Room Update
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Monday, March 02, 2009
So....Now you'll have an answer!
Hello Everyone! I thought maybe I can't keep everyone in suspense much longer, but I have been quite on the run lately, plus bogged down with all kinds of things.
First, Happy Belated Birthday to ME!!! Yes, I am officially 49 years old, as of February 25th. I didn't mention it, as I had a Family Issue that had my mind in so many places, between worried & wondering...but all seems to be fine now, all in all, it was a huge day for "reflecting" on Family, Friends, and Life in General!
Rob...I love ya! :)
Now...for the other news and the OTHER things going on in my life right now.
How about this???
Would THIS be enough to EXPLAIN my absence???
Can I only HOPE!

I havebeen asked okay, I actually BEGGED to join this Emporium to sell my crafted items there...Go there by clicking the logo above....and watch for my goodies! The best part is that you will be able to go there, buy anything you see there, plus go to ALL my other spots, although I am in the process of changing my name for my business to Robin's Painted Nest, so if the links pop up and say Robin's Rest, check back to make sure that I have done the updates.
Now...my blog, Robin's Rest, WILL be here, for you all to enjoy, but I am adding a SECONDARY BLOG, Robin's Painted Nest, where I will be doing the same thing as the SOATP Emporium. I will be listing items for sale there, as well as some more details on my crafting, and divulging ways that I make things....sort of like BEFORE & AFTER pics. I may share some of the techniques & tips on how to do them. Yes, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
So.....to keep everyone up to date, here is the link to my Robin's Painted Nest blog, which WILL look just like Robin's Rest....very subtle differences, tho'! No need to worry about Robin's Rest, cuz I am keeping that one, but it will be more of a personal place, and more about me, family, and other things, and a little less about the Business End of things. I want that to be more about ME than the Business blogs...so make sure you keep in touch with that one, too! I know it is all confusing, but believe me, once it is all set up, you will see what I am trying to do!
All I can ask is for you to bear with me while I am in these immense changes, and I will Thank You NOW for doing that, as I know I will forget to do that later! It's the OLD Age thing, ya know! My mind is slowly going south, along with everything else! LMAO! ( I wish !)
Okay....I have a ton of things to do...so I just wanted to touch base with everyone and forewarn them of my adventures!

First, Happy Belated Birthday to ME!!! Yes, I am officially 49 years old, as of February 25th. I didn't mention it, as I had a Family Issue that had my mind in so many places, between worried & wondering...but all seems to be fine now, all in all, it was a huge day for "reflecting" on Family, Friends, and Life in General!
Rob...I love ya! :)
Now...for the other news and the OTHER things going on in my life right now.
How about this???

Can I only HOPE!

I have
Now...my blog, Robin's Rest, WILL be here, for you all to enjoy, but I am adding a SECONDARY BLOG, Robin's Painted Nest, where I will be doing the same thing as the SOATP Emporium. I will be listing items for sale there, as well as some more details on my crafting, and divulging ways that I make things....sort of like BEFORE & AFTER pics. I may share some of the techniques & tips on how to do them. Yes, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
So.....to keep everyone up to date, here is the link to my Robin's Painted Nest blog, which WILL look just like Robin's Rest....very subtle differences, tho'! No need to worry about Robin's Rest, cuz I am keeping that one, but it will be more of a personal place, and more about me, family, and other things, and a little less about the Business End of things. I want that to be more about ME than the Business blogs...so make sure you keep in touch with that one, too! I know it is all confusing, but believe me, once it is all set up, you will see what I am trying to do!
All I can ask is for you to bear with me while I am in these immense changes, and I will Thank You NOW for doing that, as I know I will forget to do that later! It's the OLD Age thing, ya know! My mind is slowly going south, along with everything else! LMAO! ( I wish !)
Okay....I have a ton of things to do...so I just wanted to touch base with everyone and forewarn them of my adventures!
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